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Joe Perkins Arranged Hotel Room Abortions, Claims Daughter

Writer's picture: Donald V. WatkinsDonald V. Watkins

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

By: Donald V. Watkins

Copyrighted and Published on June 9, 2022


On June 6, 2022, Taylor Lea Perkins posed this explosive question on her social media site to Alabama Republican Senatorial candidate Katie Britt: "How can you be a woman claiming to be for children and pro-life but you are attached at the hip with a monster child molester ... [who] procures abortions for [women] in hotel rooms so their wife won't find out ... and forces the girl to do it?"

The "monster child molester" to whom Ms. Perkins is referring is her famous father, legendary Alabama political "dirty tricks" operator Joe Perkins.

In an exclusive article published on this website on May 15, 2020, Ms. Perkins alleged that she suffered about 10 years of childhood incest and sexual abuse at the hands of her father. Joe Perkins has not publicly denied these allegations or otherwise commented on Ms. Perkins' claims.

Joe Perkins, a Democrat, is also Katie Britt's political paramour. As we reported in our exclusive May 22, 2022 article titled, "Katie Britt's Closet Relationship with Joe Perkins," Britt is the candidate retiring U.S. Senator Richard Shelby has handpicked to replace him. Britt has entrusted Perkins with much of the responsibility to run her Senatorial campaign from behind-the-scenes.

Britt squares off against Congressman Mo Brooks in Alabama's June 24, 2022 Republican runoff election.

Joe Perkins' "Dirty Secrets"

In a February 11, 2022 article I published on this website, I reported that "Perkins is the keeper of the darkest secrets about today's politicians in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida."

As revealed in the article, "Perkins knows who the alcoholics are; who the mistresses are; who has paid for medical procedures for their mistresses; who has enjoyed the private jet rides that were not reported; who busted columnist John Archibald on his personal bankruptcy several years ago; who the drug addicts are; whose mistresses and lovers have been placed on consulting contracts with Alabama Power [Company]'s networking partners; who provided private jet transportation for Gov. Robert Bentley's secret love affair with Rebekah Mason; which state and federal prosecutors are compromised, and why; and many more "dirty secrets."

On March 27, 2022, I published an article titled, "Dirty Secrets: The Joe Perkins Files." The article exposed five of Perkins' "dirty secrets."

Joe Perkins' "secret" regarding medical procedures for the mistresses of Alabama's pro-life" Republican politicians and their corporate sponsors is sensitive due to questions about privacy issues under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA").

In a June 6, 2022 post on her social media site, Taylor Lea Perkins blew the lid off of two of her father's "dirty secrets." First, Ms. Perkins publicly alleged that (a) Joe Perkins arranged for hotel room abortions for the pregnant women and (b) these women were forced to undergo the abortions.

Second, Ms. Perkins confirmed that Joe Perkins helped to cover-up another alleged rape by Tuscaloosa-area playboy, T.J. "Sweet T" Bunn, Jr. "Sweet T" was the designated rape suspect in the 2015 Megan Rondini rape case.

Megan Rondini was a well-liked and highly respected University of Alabama honors student. Rondini's rape case exploded onto the national scene in 2017 with a Buzzfeed article about a Tuscaloosa County law enforcement cover-up of her alleged rape and her subsequent suicide after authorities refused to prosecute "Sweet T."

In a 2017 defamation lawsuit Joe Perkins filed against me for my coverage of the Megan Rondini rape case, he gave a sworn affidavit in which he claimed to have no involvement in the Rondini case. This affidavit was later used by Tuscaloosa County Circuit Judge Allen May to award Perkins a $1.5 million verdict, without holding the "trial by jury" that I requested. Judge May was handpicked for his judgeship in 2016 by former governor Robert Bentley, who resigned in disgrace in April of 2017 after I exposed Bentley's "sex-for-power" scandal with his married mistress, Rebekah Caldwell Mason. Bentley also pled guilty to state ethics charges on the same day.

The state court judgment in Joe Perkins' defamation case is presently on appeal to the all-white Alabama Supreme Court.

In September of 2021, a copy of a dozen pages of handwritten notes authored by Joe Perkins in October of 2017 surfaced for the first time. On September 19, 2021, Perkins' notes were published on this website. The notes flatly contradicted the sworn testimony Joe Perkins made in his affidavit regarding his lack of involvement in the Rondini rape case.

On September 2, 2021, Joe Perkins' former CEO at Matrix, LLC, filed a lawsuit against him that accused Perkins of extortion, ongoing racketeering conduct, and abuse of the Alabama legal system. Perkins and Matrix are under state and federal law enforcement investigations in Florida in connection with laundered campaign contributions to ghost political candidates in various state legislative races and other political shenanigans.

In March of 1992, Joe Perkins confessed to breaking federal election laws and executed a "Conciliation Agreement" with the Federal Elections Commission in which he pledged to forego political work in future federal elections. Perkins has since reneged on this pledge.

Has Joe Perkins Arranged Hotel Room Abortions?

According to Taylor Lea Perkins, her father is a "monster" who found himself the "perfect puppet in Katie Britt." In her June 6, 2022 social media post, Ms. Perkins asks Katie Britt, "How can you be a woman claiming to be for children and pro-life but you are attached at the hip with a monster child molester ... [who] procures abortions for [women] in hotel rooms so that their wife won't find out ... and forces the girl to do it?"

Ms. Perkins sounded this red-flag alert for Katie Britt: "HEY KATIE BRITT -- now you have someone who is PRO CHOICE and a CHILD MOLESTER running your campaign." She is obviously referring to Joe Perkins in this alert.

Ms. Perkins, who is a trained nurse practitioner, asked these related pertinent questions: "ARE HOTEL ROOM ABORTIONS LEGAL IN ALABAMA?," and "What doctor performed that procedure?"

These are great questions. I have a few of my own.

Do hotel room abortions meet the Alabama medical profession's standard of care for abortions? What happens to the aborted fetuses, which Alabama law classifies as human life? Does the participating physician issue a death certificate for the aborted fetus? Is the fetus buried, cremated, or placed in a dumpster? If so, by whom?

Does the participating physician maintain a medical record of the hotel room abortion? Does the physician follow Alabama law on patient counseling prior to performing the abortion?

Who pays for the alleged abortion? Why are they allegedly arranged by Joe Perkins? Does Perkins report the alleged abortion to an Alabama Power Company executive as part of his work for the company? If so, what Alabama Power executive receives this report?

Are Sen. Richard Shelby and Chief U.S. District Judge Scott Coogler (Northern District of Alabama), both of whom are close personal friends of Joe Perkins, aware of the alleged hotel room abortions? Has Perkins discussed the alleged abortions with Shelby and Coogler during their hunting excursions?

Prior to Taylor Lea Perkins' public allegations that her father arranged hotel room abortions, had already confirmed that Alabama Power Company used the services of Joe Perkins to handle delicate medical issues for some of its captive politicians. For nearly 20 years, Alabama Power has paid Perkins millions of dollars, without invoicing, to capture and control various state and federal public officials and utility regulators.

The list of public officials who are caught up in what Taylor Lea Perkins alleges are hotel room abortions is shocking. I am researching whether there are privacy issues in HIPAA that preclude me from publishing the names of the individuals involved in aborting fetuses in hotel rooms. If so, I am also researching whether HIPAA-related privacy issues are knowingly and voluntarily waived in a case where the pregnant woman and/or reputed father request a third-party like Joe Perkins to arrange a hotel room abortion.

Covering Up Another Reported Rape in Tuscaloosa

On June 5, 2022, Ms. Perkins posted this statement on her social media site: "Donald: I know another Megan Rondini. Except she personally told me it was my dad behind what T.J. Bunn had covered up because [Bunn] was still married."

When I was investigating the Megan Rondini rape case in 2017, a former Tuscaloosa County law enforcement official (who was in a position to know) confirmed to me the existence of other reported rape cases in which T.J. Bunn was the designated rape suspect. These cases were reportedly covered up by top law enforcement officials and others who were working in concert with them.

Ms. Perkins identified one of these reported victims as "Brandy." This is the same first name that was provided to me in 2017. The reason for the police cover-up in "Brandy's" case, as was told to me by my confidential law enforcement source, is the same one that was mentioned by Ms. Perkins on June 5, 2022 -- T.J. Bunn, Jr., was married when the alleged rape occurred.

When I talked to Joe Perkins in 2017 about Megan Rondini's rape case, he confirmed to me that he was helping the Bunn family in the Rondini case because he was a longtime family friend.

In her social media post, Ms. Perkins pledged to become "Brandy's" voice in this matter. She vowed to let the world know "what kind of person you are TJ BUNN #sweetT."

Taylor Lea Perkins' Messages to WWW.Donaldwatkins.Com

In an email sent to after we published Taylor Lea Perkins' story of childhood incest on May 15, 2022, Ms. Perkins wrote:

"There were days where I was literally all alone in the word .... no money, no allies, just God ....

I only had faith in what I was praying for: I prayed for an attorney to find me -- 2 found me.

I prayed for my tribe -- and I was told they would find me if I would just take the first step without them ....

God is good all the time. All the time God is good ....

I re-read the last paragraph of Donald's [May 15, 2022] article so much. It's like he's loved me more (the right kind of love) than my dad ever did/could, and I just get overwhelmed ....

God also knew the way everything has happened so far was probably the only way I would be in a position to be able to receive this outpouring of love/help/assistance ....

I have a very very difficult time receiving [this love] because I don't feel worthy enough to receive [it]. It's a lifelong lesson."


Taylor Lea Perkins and I have never met. We have never talked. Yet, on June 5, 2022, Ms. Perkins posted this comment on her social media site: "I found Donald online and read a lot of his articles and felt very connected to him in a way that only people that have been chronically abused and terrorized by my father can understand."

I am very proud of Ms. Perkins for: (a) surviving her alleged childhood incest and sexual abuse, (b) reaching out to me for help at her lowest moment, (c) never giving up on her humanity, dignity, and self-respect, and (d) embracing the professional support system that is now assisting her.

Ms. Perkins is right -- God is good all the time. He always answers our prayers.

Taylor Lea Perkins is receiving this outpouring of love today because God values the goodness in her heart as a wonderful human being. She deserves all of God's love, all of the time. Ms. Perkins never surrendered to a permanent state of hopelessness.

Today, Ms. Perkins is a strong and forceful warrior for truth and justice. She is speaking up for herself as an alleged childhood incest and sexual abuse victim. She is also speaking up for the pregnant women who were allegedly forced by their lovers to have hotel room abortions. Finally, Ms. Perkins has become the brave voice of another alleged Tuscaloosa-area rape victim whose case was covered-up by local law enforcement authorities because of the power and influence of the Bunn family.

Taylor Lea Perkins is truly an inspiration to childhood incest survivors and sexual abuse victims in Alabama and across America. I firmly believe Ms. Perkins will make it to the other side of midnight where the sunshine of God's love will always beam down upon her.

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