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Donald Trump Will Win the 2024 Presidential Election by Default!

Writer's picture: Donald V. WatkinsDonald V. Watkins

By: Donald V. Watkins

Copyrighted and Published on June 29, 2024

IMAGE: Joe Biden: Old, Senile, and Defeated.

An Editorial Opinion


The American public has reached this consensus on Joe Biden: He is too old and senile to serve a second term as president.  Despite this consensus, Democrats intend to “ride or die” with Biden. 

As such, Donald Trump will win the 2024 presidential election by default.


There is no credible national poll showing Joe Biden leading the presidential race.  Biden is trailing Donald Trump by at least 6 points.  Biden’s debate performance was revealed his deteriorating mental acuity to the American people – he’s senile


No Special Counsel or district attorney is going to knock Donald Trump out of the race.  On Monday morning, the MAGA-dominated U.S. Supreme Court will hand Donald Trump presidential immunity for every state and federal crime he is alleged to have committed.


Rank and file Democrats can “crash and burn” with Joe Biden, but I cannot and will not do so.  As a registered political independent, I will not subordinate my political interests to the ego and aspirations of an old, senile, 81-year-old, washed up, career Washington politician.


My California-based independent political friends and I must now decide what to do about the race under these fu*ked up circumstances, which are NOT of our making.  In the coming weeks, we will determine what course of action is in our best interest.


Those who have hijacked the Democratic Party are still trying to sell a repackaged version of Joe Biden to donors and the American public.  These peddlers of spoiled political meat have zero credibility with us.


For all practical purposes, Democrats have handed an unhinged and deeply flawed Donald Trump a political victory he could never have won on the merits against a mentally competent, politically savvy, high-quality nominee. 


In the end, Democrats have failed all Americans. 

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Donald V. Watkins
Donald V. Watkins

According to today's (July 1, 2024) Rasmussen Poll, 55% of Americans disapproved of the way Joe Biden has handled the presidency while 63% believe the country is on the wrong track. This political paradigm is a disaster for Democrats, who can only be mad at themselves.


Donald V. Watkins
Donald V. Watkins

Like the Titanic, the Democratic Party struck an iceberg Thursday night. Like the Titanic, the ship is taking on water and is sinking fast. Like the captain of the Titanic, Joe Biden wants to go down with the ship. As independent voters, we do not have to sink with this ship.


You raises a legitimate concern regarding the current president inabilities. Inarguably, there are challenges this president faces now that seemly unnoticed four years ago. As a matter of facts, You'll notice a decline in cognitive skills, post dementia, slurred speech or stammering and when all work collectively it produces speech disfluency. This is what many Americans were able to take away from the presidential debate last Thursday.

In my opinion, the current president chances for re-election lies in the hands of American voters mainly because he's running on a record of accomplishment over the past four years. Unlikely, they will be concern about his senility or remember his horrific performance during June 24, 2024 debate.

My closest neighbor who often…


Donald V. Watkins
Donald V. Watkins

America is in a very dark place right now. Joe Biden needs to drop out of the race so that Democrats can draft a presidential nominee who has a chance to defeat Donald Trump. Michelle Obama is that person. Right now, Democrats are being held hostage to Joe Biden's political ego. This is why I am a political independent. I never want my political fate tied to somebody else's ego.


Donald V. Watkins
Donald V. Watkins

It is what it is! We cannot ignore reality. Nobody is voting for a senile resident. That's a bridge too far.


Donald V. Watkins
Donald V. Watkins

Those who claim that Joe Biden is NOT senile are just as disingenuous as those who claim that the riot at the Capitol on January 6th was a normal tourist visit. Democrats should stop bullshitting us and draft Michelle Obama to run against Donald Trump.

Michelle Obama can defeat Donald Trump. Everybody knows who she is. She already knows the policy issues and the national campaign trial. She can get all of the funding and media time she needs to win. Michelle Obama is the answer to this self-inflicted mess. Democrats should draft Michelle Obama at their convention! Nobody else can defeat Trump.


© 2025 by Donald V. Watkins

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