By: Donald V. Watkins
Copyrighted and Published on July 28, 2024
An Editorial Opinion
When the U.S. was established as a country in 1776, whites comprised roughly 80% of the population. Native Americans, who were declared to be “merciless Indian savages” in the Declaration of Independence, were excluded in the census count.
Slaves of African descent were deemed to be “chattel property.” Thus, slaves were not counted in the census as human beings. They were, however, listed under their master's property holdings.
As the first census after the Civil War, the 1870 census included African Americans by full name and race in the population count.
Following passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 and subsequent litigation, all American Indians and Alaska Natives were included in the census count, beginning in 1940.
In 1920, the white percentage of the U.S. population rose to 90%, where it stayed until 1950, when it dropped to 89.5%.
Since 1950, the “White Alone Population” has declined as follows:
By the 2050 census count, the share of the White Alone Population will be under 50% for the first time since the census began.
The decline in America's White Alone Population since 1950 goes a long way toward explaining and driving the following political phenomena:
The birth and growth of Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement.
MAGA’s push to make abortions illegal in every state and under all circumstances. This push is designed to slow or reverse the decline in the White birth rate.
The concerted and aggressive effort to suppress the voting rights of Americans of color nationwide. This paves the way for minority rule.
MAGA’s hardline opposition to the migration of people of color at America’s southern border. There is no MAGA focus on illegal migration by Caucasions from European nations and other countries.
MAGA’s opposition to teaching African American and Native American history in public schools, while Caucasion heritage and history, from Christopher Columbus to the "Founding Fathers" to Dr. Wernher von Braun to Elon Musk, is celebrated and glorified.
The death of all affirmative action programs that includes racial minorities. Of course, affirmative action that excludes minorities is legal and thriving. All-white courts, corporate boards, and government bodies are on the rise, again. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI is the new racial dog whistle.
Finally, Donald Trump and MAGA have found their greatest base of support in Old Confederate states that keep their Black citizens downtrodden “from the cradle to the grave.” In fact, Project 2025 is actually being implement in these states today, to the extent possible.
Piercing the veil of MAGA’s strategic ambiguity, it is clear that the period between 1920 and 1950 is when America was “great” in Donald Trump’s eyes. White male privilege and dominance in America was unchecked, unchallenged, and reigned supreme during this period.
Will MAGA succeed in taking America back to this period? I hope not.
Hum, Trump, isn't this smart.