By Donald V. Watkins
©Copyrighted and Published on November 21, 2018
During the past two years, I have watched many of my Republican friends and business associates defend the words and actions of President Donald J. Trump. They have excused his perpetual propensity to lie with impunity about everything. They have tolerated his brand of white nationalism, chronic sexism, unyielding xenophobia, and strong addiction to America’s strongmen governments (i.e., the Russians, Saudis, North Koreans, etc.).
They have looked pass his verbal abuse and demeaning conduct toward all women, including his wife.
They knew he does not respect Congress or the federal judiciary. In fact, he actively seeks to de-legitimize these institutions.
They know that Trump is lazy, ignorant, and petty. They know he will throw friends and foes alike under the bus to save his own hide. They also know he is a "buffoon" by anybody’s definition of the term.
They know that Trump lacks character, class, a basic sense of decency as a human being, and any level of integrity. They also know that Trump has a messianic complex and can be mean-spirited when angered.
They know he has condoned the murder of a U.S. resident/journalist and has authorized the use of deadly force against migrants of color at the Southern border of the U.S.
Like Adolf Hitler (Nazi Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Kim Jung Un (North Korean), Vladimir Putin (Russia), and other well-known dictators in modern history, Trump has separated children from their parents as part of his “Make America Great Again” program.
They know that Trump has no religious beliefs and that he is devoid of a conscience or moral compass. He worships money and idolizes dictators. He also breaks at least five of the Ten Commandments on a daily basis.
Yet, many of my Republican friends embrace the Trump presidency without hesitation or reservation, which is their right as American citizens.
Rather than acknowledging Trump many character flaws and behavioral problems, my Republican friends try to “normalize” his conduct. Often, they point a finger toward other public figures who may share one of the aggregate deficiencies found in Trump. Occasionally, they will claim that Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton engaged in similar conduct.
While Obama and Clinton had their own shortcomings as public officials, neither one of them reduced the Office of the President to a drama-filled Jerry Springer-like reality TV show. In contrast, Trump has debased the American presidency to a point where it will take decades of hard work to regain America's stature at home and abroad.
In their most private moments, my Republican friends readily admit that Donald Trump is an "idiot."
PHOTO: U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

Of course the MSNBC "Jerry Springer" show came up with a solution for Trump defenders.
Sam Seder claimed that “suicide may be the only option” for Republicans, due to their support for President Donald Trump.
Seder appeared on MSNBC’s “All In,” where he discussed whether or not Republicans should abandon President Trump.
“I think the [Rep. Jim] Himes calculation is correct, right? They will abandon him if and when it’s political peril,” said host Chris Hayes. “The question is at what point that would be the case. Again, they’re underwater.”
“When you look at the map, right? You look at where Trump went into those red states and he helped,” Seder replied. “The problem is that the polarization…
Perhaps because he points out the obvious.
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
NebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
Voter Fraud has even decided elections — for example, the 1997 mayoral election in Miami was decided by voter fraud, according to The Los Angeles Times.
Is Trump right, and there’s millions of illegal votes deciding national elections? No one knows.
And that’s the problem. It is undeniable that voter fraud happens everywhere in America. It’s not something the media wants to admit, but it’s undeniable.
The good news is, there’s one simple way to put this all to rest to this debate.
One easy way to restore voter confidence in our election system.
Perhaps because the very liberals that bash Trump say the same thing when they are in Europe and are actually caught in a moment of candor and honesty.
"Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry admitted last week during a trip to Europe that the continent has been "crushed" by a transformation that has taken place due to immigration.
Kerry made the remaks while speaking at a Guardian Live event at Central Hall in London where he weighed in on a number of issues and also used the opportunity to bash President Donald Trump.
"Europe is already crushed under this transformation that is taking place due to migration," Kerry said. "In Germany, Angela Merkel is weakened. Italian politics is significant…
Donald V Watkins
In reference to your last post about the Saudis ;
If Trump would follow your lead on the Saudi case what would you have him do?
If he did;
Would your opinion of him change greatly?
What do you think the intended and un-intended consequences would be here in the states and with middle east relations if he took your choice of actions?
God has dealt severely with every despot like Donald J. Trump. It will be interesting to see how and when God punishes Trump for the suffering and humiliation he has gratuitously inflicted upon the "least of these."
The punishment God administered to former Alabama Governor George C. Wallace for standing in the door at The University of Alabama was permanent confinement to a wheel chair in excruciating pain every day of his life for 30 years. I have a premonition that God's punishment for Trump will be way more severe. After all, God has he own way of humbling the most tyrannical ruler, as no man/woman can do.
Trump does not believe in God today, but he will beg God…