By: Donald V. Watkins
Copyrighted and Published on June 7, 2024

An Editorial Opinion
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' pay-to-play schemes have made him a multimillionaire. Thomas knows how to hustle “gifts”and “love offerings” from individuals who have an interest in the outcome of cases that come before the Supreme Court. He has been doing it a long time.
Clarence Thomas always votes the way the "gifting" parties wants him to vote in these cases. He has never failed them.
The "gifting" started after Thomas became a Supreme Court Justice.
As you can see from the chart below (which is based upon recently released Supreme Court records), Clarence Thomas' “gifts” account for $4,042,286 (or 85%) of the $4,077,147 total dollar value of all gifts received by Supreme Court Justices in the past two decades.

Clarence Thomas has mastered the art of using his position on the Court to hustle money from groups/individuals who benefit from his vote on the Court. This crook has taken "pay-to-play" schemes to a whole new level.
Who said crime does not pay? They obvious forgot about Clarence Thomas.
What is worse, Clarence Thomas is immune from criminal prosecution because Attorney General Merrick Garland is a weak-kneed, impotent, law enforcement coward.
Thanks for shining a light on this unacceptable corruption. CT needs to be impeached and removed.
Here is how Thomas makes his decisions on Supreme Court cases and everybody in Washington knows it.
Clarence Thomas has made over $4 million selling his vote on the U.S. Supreme Court. Thomas will give Donald Trump presidential immunity because he needs Trump to become president again. Otherwise, the next Attorney General may prosecute Thomas for his "pay-to-play" schemes.