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  • Writer's pictureDonald V. Watkins

How Steve Flowers’ Daughter Avoided Prison in Felony Drug, Fraud Cases

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

By: Donald V. Watkins

Copyrighted and Published on March 17, 2023

IMAGE: Stephanie Allyson Flowers Patel

Stephanie Flowers Patel is the 40-year-old daughter of Internet blogger and political columnist Steve Flowers. She had a recent experience in Alabama's criminal justice system that highlights a very troubling aspect of the system.

On March 15, 2023, Steve Flowers used his website to viciously attack me for posting news articles about Matrix owner Joe Perkins, Alabama Power Company, the Southern Company, former U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama), and those who worked in concert with them to perpetuate a multistage, long-running, racketeering enterprise and massive accounting fraud scheme at the Southern Company and its affiliates.

My articles apparently miffed Flowers. In his March 15, 2023, Op-ed article, Flowers called me a “disgraced, fraudulent criminal conman” who is "brazen," "arrogant," "non-repentant," and a "threat to society." The first time I saw this combination of words in print to describe a black man was when the FBI used them in an early 1960s internal memo to describe my Sunday school teacher, church pastor, and BTU instructor, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Flowers also demanded that I be jailed simply for writing and publishing news articles that are critical of the political oligarchs who run Alabama.

Flowers concluded his article by reminding his readers that his "forefathers" did not confer First Amendment rights on people of my ancestry. In fact, Flowers' forefathers conferred absolutely NO rights of any kind on blacks, whether enslaved or freed.

Flowers was called into action as a media "hitman" by his close friend and ally, Joe Perkins -- the man who is at the epicenter of the Southern Company’s pervasive racketeering enterprise and its resulting criminal investigations.

In the process of condemning me and urging my imprisonment, Steve Flowers failed to mention Stephanie’s recent criminal cases. I want to use Stephanie’s cases for the sole purpose of spotlighting a growing problem within Alabama’s criminal justice system -- the disparate treatment of similarly-situated accused persons.

Stephanie Flowers Patel's Felony Criminal Cases

On June 8, 2019, Stephanie Flowers Patel was arrested and charged with two felony cases of possession of illegal drugs. The cases were docketed in the Jefferson County, Alabama District Court (Bessemer Division) as State of Alabama v. Patel Stephanie Flowers, Case Nos. DC-2019-002050 and DC-2019-002051.

On January 28, 2020, Stephanie was arrested, again, and charged with one felony count of insurance fraud. The case was docketed in the Jefferson County, Alabama Circuit Court (Bessemer Division) as State of Alabama v. Patel Stephanie Flowers, Case No. CC-2020-000024.

On March 11, 2020, Stephanie was sentenced to a pretrial diversion program on the drug charges in Case Nos. DC-2019-002050 and DC-2019-002051. This judicial action allowed her to avoid imprisonment. On July 14, 2020, Stephanie's drug cases were dismissed.

On October 6, 2020, Stephanie entered a plea to the district attorney's Information (or Complaint) for the insurance fraud case. The Court accepted her plea deal. On October 27, 2020, Stephanie was sentenced to pretrial diversion on the fraud charge. Once again, Stephanie escaped imprisonment.

Steve Flowers, himself, was the beneficiary of a generous pretrial diversion program. He entered the program after his arrest in 2007 on domestic violence and criminal mischief charges in Florida, even though his case involved allegation of violent behavior. After completing the program, Flowers’ criminal charges were dismissed.

Disparate Treatment is a Cherished Feature of Alabama's Criminal Justice System

White first-time, non-violent offenders like Stephanie Flowers Patel are routinely admitted into pretrial diversion programs, while black first-time, non-violent offenders from low income socio-economic backgrounds with similar charges are often denied admission to these programs.

Interestingly, when actor Jussie Smollett, who is black, was admitted in 2019 into a pretrial diversion program in Chicago, it created a firestorm of controversy from the privileged white community that routinely benefits from these programs. Smollett was charged with filing a false police report, a low-level Class 4 felony.

Stephanie Flowers was indicted on felony fraud and drug charges. There was no public outcry when she was admitted to Jefferson County’s pretrial diversion program in all three cases. After all, Stephanie is Steve Flowers' daughter, and he is "Alabama’s leading political columnist" whose "weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers."

Hopefully, Steve Flowers did not direct any of his fury at Stephanie for the fraudulent conduct alleged in her indictment and criminal complaints. Understandably, Flowers did not publicly condemn Stephanie’s alleged possession of drugs while he was scolding other similarly situated drug offenders in his Op-ed articles.

What is more, Steve Flowers has never railed against the privileges afforded to the children of powerful white politicians in Alabama who have gained access to pretrial diversion and “First Chance” programs up to nine times for a single defendant in serial drug-related cases.

This glaring disparate treatment in Alabama's criminal justice system must come to an end. Every accused person should be treated the same and should be afforded the same opportunity for pretrial diversion.

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Sep 17, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It's always a touchy subject when privilege, connections, or background come into play in legal matters. It raises questions about fairness and equality in the eyes of the law. On a somewhat related note, businesses like Rump-pump – a poppers shop – often exist in a gray area, where legal ambiguities may come into play, and it's interesting to juxtapose the two situations. How do various entities, whether individuals or businesses, navigate the legal waters, and is there a consistent application of the law? Such issues are worth pondering for anyone invested in justice and societal equality.

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